The Tokyo local government will be giving us “Cooperation money” for preventing the spread of infection by COVID-19.
This Cooperation money is only for the owners who have stores in Tokyo.
Basically, the fee of cash benefit is for ¥500,000 JP yen but the maximum cash benefit is ¥1,000,000 JP yen for more than 2 stores owners.
If you would like to have this cash benefit, you need to follow the request by the Tokyo local government.
The request is below.
1. You need to have stores at Tokyo area
2. Your store need to be including in “The requested institution store list”
3. You need to keep “short time business” or “Suspension of business” during the Emergency declaration. (1st period is 16th April to 6th May in 2020.)
4. You must not join in Japanese mafia groups.
The Tokyo local government will start second chance of this “Cooperation money” application in these few days.
If you get any questions of this “Cooperation money”, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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"The Shimin-houmu-juku" civil Legal supporters study group